Monday, 15 December 2008


We got a dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His name is gatsby. He's so cute! He's a lab mixed with some sort of long, short hound. He's very affectionate. I really love cuddling with him. He loves to cuddle and to be petted. There's a chair in our house that he loves, and he just jumps up onto it and sits in it for hours. We call it the Gatsby chair. Whenever we go out and leave him at home he'll bark and bark and bark and scrape at the window. But when we get back he'll be so excited and jump up on us and make us pet him and rub his belly, and he loves it.

He loves to play, especially fetch. There's one toy in particular that he loves to play fetch with. It's a little blue rubber toy, and it's shaped like a dinosaur with no head. It bounces so he likes to try to push it down with his paw. He also loves tug-of-war. He's really strong. He'll pull and pull and pull until you have to let go.

I did a nose print of him where we put green food coloring on his nose, and we put a piece of paper on his nose. We had to do it a couple of times before I got a good one that wasn't smudged.

We're planning on getting another dog as a playmate for Gatsby because he loves to play with other dogs. The place where we got Gatsby from is a place where they go out to Georgia and take dogs from high-kill shelters there and bring them to stay in foster families in New York. We are going to get another dog from them, but we don't know what one yet. We asked about a dog named Snoopy, but they said he got along with other girl dogs, but not really with other boy dogs. So we might get a puppy from them because they have these tiny, tiny puppies. But we're not sure yet. And also DaeDae, my pretend big sister, is coming to stay with us for two months, and she has a dog.

I love Gatsby, and we're having a lot of fun with him. It's fun having a dog.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Making Clouds and Rain

Yesterday me and my mom did a science experiment where we made rain and rain clouds. We had two pots. One had ice in it so that it was cold. (We also put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.) And the other one had boiling water in it. First we made a few rainclouds by putting the pot with ice in it over the pot with the boiling water in it and waited a little bit. And how the clouds were made was that the water would turn into water vapor and it would rise up to the coldness and then in the coldness it would huddle together because it was cold and into big blobs, and that was a cloud. And you can see the clouds below. How we made the rain was that when the clouds were up there they were so cold that they would turn back into water, and little drops of water would come down, and that was the rain. Here is a picture of the pot with the ice in it.
And here is the pot with the water in it.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

I got Tagged by Jesse.
It said that I have to write my memoir title in six words and then tag five other people.
My memoir is:
Having lots of fun with mommy.

I'm tagging:
Lucys blog
Unschool days
Not an ordinary teen
Nullcheck ( my daddy's blog)

Monday, 7 January 2008

My Walk in the Marais

The other day we decided to go on a walk from a book I got on Christmas where there are cards with maps on them, and at the end of a map it shows you what you do along your walk, and there are questions that you have to answer and stuff like that. We did one that led to the Bastille at the end , and we chose this one because the night before that we went to see the Nutcracker at the Opera Bastille, and before we went to see the Nutcracker we saw an amusement park across the street that was open. But when we came out from the opera it wasn't open, and I really wanted to go on the rides. So we decided we would come back tomorrow. And the next day we felt like doing one of the walks so we found this one that led straight to the Bastille so then we could do the walk, and then at the end when it finished at the Bastille we could go onto the rides. The first stop that it told us to do in the walk was to look at a garden with a very nice house in front. The name of it was l'hotel de Sens. This is the courtyard.
And this is the house.
Actually, the person who owned this house (on the right is the back of the house) was Queen Margot, and why there's this square with nothing in the middle is because there used to be a fig tree there, but the queen had it cut down because her carriage couldn't fit through! One of the streets is still called fig street though.
This is the next stop. It's a hostel, but the funny thing is that when we were looking at it a window opened right above the door, and a woman leaned out. She was naked holding towels and her hair was all wet. It looked like she just took a shower, and she looked down and saw us and laughed. Then she went back in, and in a second she opened the window again and looked down again and laughed again.
Next stop Phillipe Auguste tower. This tower was built by Phillippe Auguste, the same person who built the Louvre. It was to protect the city while he went away on the Crusades.
Here is a thief trying to climb the tower, but he'll never get there! Oh no, I'm mistaken. That's my father.
This is a fountain right across the street from the tower. On the top in Roman numerals it said what year it was from, and when you translated it it was 1848.
This is Place des Vosges. And this is me with Louis XIII.
This is the last stop, Bastille. The Bastille was a prison where criminals were kept. Some were imprisoned for their religious beliefs. During the French Revolution the revolutionaries destroyed it. And this is a symbol to remember the Revolution.
The end.